Monday, 4 May 2009 21:16

Saras, I Miss You Much

First time I met you on the street, you’re just a black thin kitty with white spot under your chin. It’s make you look like anger cat. You’re so cute, with smaller body than another cats and a short bundle tail. But it is you I always remember. I get you home.

You grew up with us, with another cats of my own. If I call your name, you are just running to me with your small body and I will said : “Kichi.. Kichi… Kichi…” It looks like you are not running but only jumps like a rabbit. Because you are a small cat…

 saras2 saras1

If you jump into my lap, your white chin would collide my cheek. Or your head bump on my chin. Sometimes you do it by jumping on it. I’m sorry that I yelled on you that day because I feel pain on my chin…. But you just do it again next time. I always remember the cat kissed you always gave me when you’re in my armed.

You grew up as adult female cat so I must hurry called a vet home to spayed on you. Day after day, weeks and months you became a beautiful female cat. It is make everybody near me or my neighbor ask about you. That is because you’re so funny with your white chin.

Until one day I call you. You’re not running or jumping. I call again and again. There is no sign of you. Where are you? For more than a weeks I look around desperately to find you. I knocked every neighbors house just to ask if you there. Even go to the paranormal! But that is nothing. No one knew where you are. You had disappeared from September 2008 until now.

All I have to do is cry if I remember you. Are you all right out there? Has somebody take care of you? I don’t know. But I wish you all right and happy. Every time I remember you, I wish you comeback home. Saras… mom miss you much…

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